The third version of Open melodie is out on Sourceforge. This is the third release of Openmelodie, with more bug fixes, improvments, cool new features, etc...
In 0.2, the thechnology to be used to build the web interface had been chosen : GWT. A second one had to be chosen, and I spent quite some time between GXT and Smart client. The latter got it, mainly due to better documentation, and especially better examples in their showcase. This toolbox is really amazing, and allowed me to quickly build a rather complex interface. I love the notion of Datasource built in SmartClient, even it's a bit tricky to warp a GWT server in such a DS. Once it's done, it's very pleasant to use, and works well.
Not everything is in this interface yet, let's first list what is in it :
- basic user registration,
- archive creation,
- nearly all the artefacts that can be built in an archive are active : corpuses, thesauruses, controled values set, field types. Still missing are items and images sets.
What is not in this interface : - item creation and indexation,
- set creation, and interactions with items,
- security management.
I hope to finish the next release before summer, expect to see those three last points in it. Once all this is done, the interface will be remade, with some nice design, ergonomy (I wouldnt call what is done now "ergonomy", so it wont be "ergonomy improvment").